Setelah mengkhatamkan REWORK serta menikmati gaya penulisannya penyajiannya, sepertinya REMOTE juga cukup layak untuk dihabisi.
Serupa dengan pendapat Sir Richard Branson, David Heinemeier Hansson cum suis mempertanyakan tentang pentingnya keberadaan sebuah tempat yang bernama ‹kantor.›
As an employer, restricting your hiring to a small geographic region means you're not getting the best people you can. As an employee, restricting your job search to companies within a reasonable commute means you're not working for the best company you can. REMOTE, the new book by 37signals, shows both employers and employees how they can work together, remotely, from any desk, in any space, in any place, anytime, anywhere.via 37signals.